If you wish to shop our Business Checks division now, a new tab will open for you and your Designer Checks item(s) will remain in your cart in this tab. Below, please select your preference to shop our Business Checks division now or to stay on the Designer Checks site.
Customize your name and address with one of our custom fonts or stick with our Standard option for no charge.
Choose a symbol that represents your unique personality! Your symbol will print in the upper left corner of your check, right before your name.
Symbols are not available on the following check designs: Believe, Bessie Pease Gutmann© Cherubs, Cabin Fever, Corvette®, Churches by Thomas Kinkade, Country Churches, Disney Classics, Disney Classics Series II, Disney Frozen, Disney Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney • Pixar Cars, Disney Princess, Disney Tinker Bell, Disney Villains, Hope for the Cure, Moo Money, NASCAR® Collections, Royal Monogram, Topiaries or Totally Tweety check designs.
Make a personal statement with an expressive message! Your MyLines™ message will print above the signature line on your checks.
MyLines™ are printed to match the lettering style you choose for your checks. Designer Checks reserves the right to not print certain messages. MyLines™ are not available on the following check designs: DC Heroes; Disney Frozen; Disney Pirates of the Caribbean; Disney • Pixar Cars; Disney Princess; or Disney Villains.